Tuesday, 18 June 2013


Hey everyone! I hate to post this.. mainly because I'm sure you've all seen it around many times already. But I received an email recently telling me that there are now only just 2 weeks left until Google Reader shuts down! If you like to read my posts and would like to continue following, please connect with me over at Bloglovin'! I will show my appreciation by following back, of course :)

Follow on Bloglovin

If you don't want to take the time to follow each blog you already follow on Google Reader all over again individually, here's a handy little Importer! click

You can expect a post late Thursday on a "Featured Friday". I'll be posting it a bit earlier than usual as I'll be busy on Friday with a "spa night" with friends the night before prom! So on Sunday or Monday, I'll be posting a "Get Ready with Me: Prom" post, which I'm super excited about! I love my dress, my hair and my nails and I can't wait to show you. :) If you've also had your prom recently and posted about it leave me a link! Maybe it's a girly thing but I just love to see pictures of people all dressed up for prom. Thanks for taking the time to read! - Ash :)

*edit* I've read some posts lately that explain how the whole "GFC being deleted" thing is just a rumor, that yes - even though Google Reader will be gone, that doesn't include GFC. Even so, I'd appreciate some follows on Bloglovin' as well, just in case ya know :) But I don't want to contribute to any rumor either!


  1. hey i have followed your blog on bloglovin :) Hope you follow me too at Heylinni on Bloglovin ;D

    1. Yup, I have already! Haha :) thanks for following!
